
What made your day?

Date Uploaded: January 2, 2011

"Dull Moments"
Date Uploaded: January 17, 2011

"The Busy Squirrel"
Date Uploaded:  February 16, 2011
"all heads down"


  1. Hi Ameur,

    ^_^... but, they are two different apes. I took that photo at different time and in different places.

    now my third photo, look at the squirrel!

    I finally found a cute subject who was willing to pose in front of my camera... :)))

  2. Ummmm,Waiting until the commander gives the order to start the war..hehehehehe....
    Have a peaceful day Lynne.


May you always have room in your life for another friend.
Good day!

I saw you in a dream.   God knows,   I never wished it to remain as a dream...